Soft Launch

I don’t know what it is I’m actually trying to say most of the time.  I am definitely a person who has struggled with vulnerability and softness, and always been more comfortable with fighting for my loved ones and wearing armor, and protecting myself and my family and working in an individual, isolated fashion. (I’ve spoken to my therapist ad nauseum about it… haha)

Don’t exactly know what it was leading up to this latest election cycle that made me develop a sense of calm and community. I, of course, could chuck it up to the many astrological events that have been happening. The celestial coincidences that lineup with my need to shed armor, connect with community, and engage in vulnerability with people , I hadn’t previously really are astounding. 

I have never felt apathy in strong amounts, I’ve always been a person who cares deeply about my passions and my interests, and the people that I love and while I entertained the idea of community, I actively rejected the one I grew up in because if it’s limiting beliefs And bigoted ideas. I know that no community is perfect, but I am willing and ready to drop my armor, engage with communities, provide proof of my care and deep commitment to vulnerability and passion, and change.

Idealism has always been the bedrock of my teaching career, believing that teenagers are the best among our society while being called absolutely crazy by most of my close friends.  And while that may be true, I absolutely believe that idealism paired with an insatiable need to learn and grow will carry me through whatever is coming.

We won’t win a war with better weapons, we win by not fighting in the ways that they expect us to. By healing and loving and growing together, by strengthening our communities and our commitment to society instead of individualism, to show and teach our children and the next generations , that apathy has way too high price. The price is the lives of our most marginalized communities and the sanity of those who were trying to help them. 

And while I’m rambling into my Notes app, as I’m  staring at the books that I’ve been devouring, and the notes that I’ve been taking, all I feel is a huge sense of pride, maybe for the first time, that I get to live here in the United States and connect with people who share my same ideas, and whose view of the future matches mine.

No more apathy. No more individualism.

We win with softness, we win with community, we win with commitment & engagement. 


A Year of No Contact